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Barnsley Campus

We understand that the priority outcomes for our individual children and young people will be different dependent upon their needs and aspirations.

Our ambitious and person-centered curriculum empowers every child and young person with the confidence, resilience, wonder, learning and wider opportunities for their future success and happiness.

Our pupils’ lives are transformed through personal development and outdoor learning, being at one with nature at the same time as nurturing their social, emotional, mental and physical health and encouraging their unique identity. Our pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills, behaviours, relationships, cultural capital and outcomes to realise their dreams and ambitions, securing their place, their employability where appropriate and their prosperity as active citizens in their local, national and global communities.

Our curriculum is aligned with the national curriculum and adapted to meet the needs of the pupils. It is fundamentally broad, balanced and inclusive and provides equality of opportunity for everyone, ensuring future success for all our pupils as they progress into adult life and into future education, employment or training.

Further personalisation ensures a meticulous focus on each pupil’s next steps and how to get there, through bespoke and responsive provision.

The progress for all pupils is assessed and reviewed through the termly assess, plan, do review process and the EHCP Annual Review process: a process which involves the school SENCO (or other trained teacher), the young person, parents/carers and any other relevant multi-agency professionals. An integral part of reviewing the EHCP is consultation with the young person and all other stakeholders.

Assessment provides all pupils with opportunities to show what they have learnt and understood in determining their next steps. We provide a communication rich environment where all modes of communication are equally valued and students are given opportunities to make choices, initiate conversations, and express their own ideas and opinions. Communication strategies that are often unique and personalised to the child.