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Meet the Academy Leadership Team

Richard Hadfield, Executive Headteacher

I have worked at Kenwood since April 2021 and have been Executive Headteacher since April 2024. I have worked in education for over twenty years and I have been a qualified headteacher for eight years.

My main responsibilities include leading the overall quality and continuous improvement of our school, holding all staff to account for achieving the very best standards and outcomes for our students. I also report regularly to Nexus Trustees, to our Academy Council (as our local governing body) and to parents and carers and students through the coordination of EHCP annual reviews and reporting about curriculum progress.

I am most passionate about being an advocate for our wonderful students and building the best possible educational provision for them.

Matthew Hallam, Head of School and Senior Leader for Quality of Education

I have been part of Kenwood since September 2021 and assumed the role of Head of School in April 2024. With over twenty years of experience in education and more than a decade in senior leadership, my primary responsibility as Head of School is to provide strategic leadership for the quality of education across all our campuses. At Kenwood, we are deeply ambitious for our young people. It is incredibly important to us that we equip them with the knowledge, experiences, and confidence necessary for their future steps and to lead fulfilled lives. I am unwavering in my commitment to this belief and have the privilege of witnessing daily how well the young people at Kenwood Academy are being prepared to thrive in their independence, health, relationships, communities, education, and employment.


Sarah Robinson, Senior Leader for Safeguarding and Attendance (and Designated Safeguarding Lead)

I have worked at Kenwood since it first opened as part of Becton School. I have worked in education for 32 years in various roles. I have been part of a Designated Safeguarding team for 20 years and have been a Designated Safeguarding Lead for 5 years.

I oversee the Learning Mentor Team at Kenwood Academy and I am the "Attendance Champion". 

My role involves working with all staff and external agencies to ensure the best outcomes for the young people at Kenwood Academy.



Jenny Hair, Deputy Headteacher, Senior Mental Health Lead and Senior Leader for Personal Development

I first started work as a Science Teacher, 20 yrs ago! I have eight years' senior leadership experience in both hospital and special schools.  I am passionate about empowering and supporting students to enjoy healthy, independent adult lives, by providing the highest quality educational experiences.  I am currently responsible for Personal Development and hold roles as Senior Mental Health Lead and Designated Teacher for Children who are Looked After.

I firmly believe that connecting communities is a powerful way of supporting individual and community mental health.  An important part of my role is developing partnerships at individual, whole-school and wider organisational levels; and supporting others to do the same.


Ross Graham, Deputy Headteacher and Senior Leader for Curriculum Design

I joined Kenwood in 2019 when it was still part of Becton School, having previously worked in other settings for nearly 20 years as a maths teacher, a Head of Department, a Head of Year and a Head of Sixth Form. 

My main responsibility is leading the design of our curriculum and working with curriculum leads and all classroom staff to ensure that we deliver an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum which prepares our students for the world of work and life beyond Kenwood Academy. 

I strongly believe that our magnificent young people have great potential and I am focussed on creating a curriculum which unleashes that potential and opens doors to the future for our students. 


Sarah Compai, Deputy Headteacher and Senior Leader for Curriculum Implementation

I have worked in education since 2005 in the role of English Teacher and Leader of Teacher Development. For more than ten years I have had the privilege of working with and leading classroom-based staff to ensure learners get the very best experience which effectively equips them for their next stage of early adulthood. My main responsibility at Kenwood Academy is to focus on the implementation of our exciting and ambitious curriculum to ensure our learners can achieve their potential. This involves working with colleagues to ensure the very best teaching and support practices exist in Kenwood learning spaces, and that our staff get the support and development they need to continue to have optimum impact. 


Andrea Cartwright, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for West Riding campus

I have worked in education for 15 years and I have been a senior leader for over 10 years.  During my time in education, I have worked across all year groups including Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Post-16, both in mainstream and specialist provisions.

My passion has always been advocating for those with additional needs and ensuring we have an inclusive and supportive environment. I have a strong understanding of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and work collaboratively with students, staff and families to ensure every child and young person has their individual needs met and they have the opportunity to thrive.



Nina Sneddon, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for Nether Edge campus

I have worked in schools for 17 years and have been a Deputy Headteacher for the past 8 years. I have always been passionate about supporting students with SEND and have been a SENCO for 12 years.

I have a fantastic, varied role at Kenwood.  I am the designated SENCO for some of our younger students, ensuring they are able to access and enjoy the curriculum to meet their individual outcomes. I also lead on reading across the school. With a background in primary school leadership, I work alongside subject leaders developing our curriculum to ensure a smooth transition into Kenwood from our students starting points.

The students at Kenwood inspire me everyday, I feel very lucky to work with such wonderful young people.

Mark Connaughton, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for Broadfield campus

I have worked for Kenwood since 2015, when it was originally founded as an extension of Becton School. I was employed as a teacher of Science, now I am a Deputy Head and SENCO and have over 20 years of experience as a qualified teacher, and have been involved with teaching in further education, higher education and prison education prior to this.

My main responsibilities are ensuring that the school is meeting the complex needs of our cohort by coordinating the annual review process at our Broadfield and Clifford sites, and I also oversee these sites on a daily basis.

I have had the good fortune of watching students develop and grow in all aspects of their life, so they are ready for the next step of their life when they leave, whether that be college, university or employment. This is due to the transformational effect of attending Kenwood and being supported by the hard working, caring staff.


Grace Benson, SENDCO and Head of Centre for Enterprise Works campus

My role at Kenwood Academy is Head of Centre and SENDCo at our new Enterprise Works site, which fully opened in September 2024. I have worked in education for over 15 years, including being a SENDCo for 9 years. For the past 4 years I was also a City Wide SENDCo, supporting a cluster of 19 schools based in Sheffield. My main responsibilities include running the site at Enterprise works, overseeing the implementation of provision as outlined in a young person's EHCP, and holding annual review meetings. I am extremely passionate about inclusivity: ensuring that all young people receive the education and enrichment opportunities they deserve, in the best environment for them to thrive.



Becky Wilcox, Director of Preparation for Adulthood and Senior Leader for Careers

I started my teaching life as a Modern Foreign Languages teacher and led an MFL department for many years. I also have experience leading PSHE, RSE, Careers, and supporting students with their future destinations. I am so excited to now be working as Director of Preparation for Adulthood at Kenwood Academy. I am passionate about helping the children and young people I work with to build bonds with the community within which they live. Preparing children for life is, in my opinion, a fundamental aspect of education and is not limited to academic achievement. Our core values as educators should lead students to develop into confident, happy, robust learners who are prepared for the opportunities and challenges of life outside of school. I take great pride in this and consider it a  privilege to be so closely involved in a core part of our children's future.


Molly Vellacott, Director of English

I have worked at Kenwood since September 2021. I first volunteered with an outdoor education charity when I was 19, taught English abroad while I was at university, and have worked in education ever since. My main responsibility in school is to ensure all our students have access to the best possible English curriculum delivered in a way which works for them. This year I have also been privileged to oversee our first cohort of university applicants. Personally, socially and academically, our students want to and can achieve highly. I am very proud that we help them to do this every day.